My early piano studies were with Marianne Dickenson in Dayton, Ohio. In high school, I studied with Donald Hageman in his studio, where he held recitals and workshops. Mr. Hageman organized the Soirees Musicale at the Dayton Art Institute for 40 years, where he brought in talented musicians from all over the world. He is an accomplished pianist and past president of the American Matthay Association, which supports the piano methods of Tobias Matthay, whose techniques I incorporate in my playing and teaching.
Under the tutelage of Donald Hageman, I competed in many Federation of Music Club Festivals and Guild Auditions. I accompanied both my junior and senior high school choirs. I was selected to play for Eunis Podis of the Cleveland Conservatory of Music in a Master Class. As a senior in high school, I won the Montgomery County Junior Miss Pageant and played piano for my talent competition at the Ohio Junior Miss Pageant, finishing in the top ten.
I continued my piano studies at Miami University and graduated with a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree. I was a member of Miami's Accapella Singers. In my sophomore year, I was awarded a full scholarship to study abroad in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg. During my six months at Miami's European Study Center in Luxembourg, I played piano at a local conservatory. As long as I can remember, music has been an integral part of my life. I taught general music at St. Luke and Ascension schools and have taught private piano lessons.
I frequently attend a monthly music teacher study group where we cover many different topics, including Festival Music, Music as a Career, Special Needs Students, Keeping the High School Student Motivated, etc. I am also a member of the Ohio Music Teachers Association. I also attend the Community Concert Series and other music recitals on a regular basis.